It is our mission to facilitate positive and sustainable opportunities to prepare adolescents for young adulthood, specifically foster children, by promoting an integrated approach to wellness through:

A. Prevention
B. Intervention
C. Education
D. Advocacy
E. Community Living Support


Pregnancy prevention, drug addictions, criminal offenses, homelessness


Safety, mental wellness, emotional support


Life-applicable workshops, financial and personal goal setting seminars, time management, GED and secondary education preparation


Providing adolescents with the ability to utilize community services and supports 


Including, but not limited to accessing and utilizing transportation services, securing and maintaining residency


Our vision at Camp RISE is that every adolescent preparing to enter young adulthood discover their purpose by receiving:

Stable Housing
We act as a liaison between foster care individuals aging out and housing resources to provide transitional living, combined with purpose driven mentoring. 

Community Connectedness
Networking opportunities with social services, colleges, neighborhood churches, schools, foster care homes, civic clubs, and halfway houses in efforts to prevent homelessness, criminal offenses, and unplanned pregnancy among aged out foster care young adults. We also provide enrichment and recreational opportunities through community resources and support groups.

Mental Wellness
We connect aged-out foster care individuals with a history of abuse and neglect with providers and community resources that can coordinate interdisciplinary care services (i.e. clinical treatment, behavior management, education, medical mental health, etc.).

A Purpose Driven Life
We provide structured enrichment programs, including travel, to enhance social skills and further increase their ability to go to college and lead successful, meaningful lives.