Thank you for making the decision to donate your time! From virtual academic tutoring to enrichment social events, volunteers are a major part of the mountains moved in the lives we serve. 
We have volunteer opportunities available throughout the entire year.

The Application Process - Start Here

1. Apply: As a prospective ongoing volunteer, review our open spaces below and then CLICK HERE to complete our online interest form.

2. Standby: We will review applications on a weekly basis and a Camp RISE representative will contact you to let you know the status of your application and next steps. Your interest form will remain active for six months. If we have an open position that looks like it is a good match for you, we will send you the details for our upcoming Volunteer Orientations.

3. Activate: Attend an orientation, pass a national background check and get started!


Volunteer tutors work with students from middle school to college level throughout Harris County. Most of our requests are from high school students.

It is valuable for youth in foster care to work with volunteers with whom they can identify. Volunteers who are fluent in Spanish and BIPOC are strongly encouraged to apply.

Minimum Age: 18

Location: Statewide (Tutors must be residents of Texas state)

Commitment: Standing weekly or twice-weekly virtual tutoring meeting, with a maximum of 2 hours of tutoring per student each week.

After they are trained and onboarded, volunteers are placed in our pool of tutors to wait for a student who is a good match for their skills and availability. New tutors may find a student match right away, or there may be a waiting period. We ask that new tutors remain available to be matched with students for a full school year, with a minimum of no less than one semester.


Volunteer Event Aids work with youth from middle school to high school level throughout Harris County. Most of our requests are from middle school-high school students.

It is valuable for youth in foster care to work with volunteers with whom they can identify. Volunteers who are fluent in Spanish and BIPOC are strongly encouraged to apply.

Minimum Age: 18

Location: Harris County (Aids must be residents of Harris County)

Commitment: Standing daily commitment for 30 days (summer CAMP) or as needed.

After they are trained and onboarded, volunteers are placed in our pool of Event Aids and provided with a copy of our additional upcoming enrichment events. New event aids may be matched with an enrichment event the same month of application, or may be asked to join the next event. We ask that new event aids be available on nights and weekends.